Events Calendar and Registration
Registration for all events is complete when registration form and tuition payment
are sent to the contact person listed for that event.
The prerequisite for attending an intensive is to participate in an introductory workshop.
Continue scrolling to view all of our upcoming events.
Rosen Method Movement Intensive in AR
Moving is being alive!
Movement is life!
What does it mean to be fully alive?
When do you feel most fully alive?
Rosen Movement is a unique form of movement developed by Marion Rosen, PT that invites the body to find ease and joy in your life. It is a direct way to practice connection to ourselves and others. Join us and find out for yourself! This will be a non-residential intensive.
Adrienne Stone and Marjorie Huebner, Rosen Method Movement Senior Teachers
Assisted by Sally Wimberly, Rosen Method Movement Teacher
Sunday, March 30 - Thursday, April 3, 2025
Tuition Cost
$775, or $725 if registered before 2/22/2025.
Reviewer fee for Movement Teachers and Movement Interns: $400
Zelle: ivy.green@rosenmethodopencenter.com
To pay by check: Checks can be made out to the Rosen Method Open Center. Please email Adrienne Stone at arstonept@gmail.com to inquire about where to send your check.
Important: You must include the code MI 3/30/2025 when writing your check or paying by Zelle.
To Register
Click here for the new student registration form if this will be your first movement intensive with us. Or, click here for the returning student registration form.
Adrienne Stone - arstonept@gmail.com
Rosen Method Bodywork April Mini-Intensive in PA
Join us for an intimate, three-day retreat exploring the essence of Rosen Method somatic bodywork. Whether you're an intern on the certification track or a newcomer deeply affected by the Rosen Method, this retreat offers a rich opportunity for introspection and growth.
Set in the serene, rural backdrop of Julia's private home and guest house, we’ll delve into the paradoxes of the practice—balancing the desire to help or heal with the directive to not fix, and embracing non-judgmental presence while navigating our own thoughts and wisdom. Over the course of the retreat, we will practice giving and receiving Rosen touch, engage in dyads, demos, discussions and group process circles. We will deepen our listening skills, learning to distinguish between stories and present experience. We will explore how to use talking to acknowledge the truth in ourselves and others and how and when to confront what is not genuine. We will learn to lean into and expand the whisper of possibilities present as well as build our tolerance for vulnerability and uncertainty. Finally, we will examine the challenge of honoring one’s own inner responses while exploring the difference between intuition and projection. Through these practices, we will deepen our ability to be present with clients, fostering an environment where they can meet themselves, and sometimes discover new possibilities.
By embracing introspection, paradox and the flow of presence this retreat offers a unique space to refine your approach to bodywork and deepen your connection to both your practice and yourself.
Julia Wittich, Rosen Method Bodywork Teacher
Heather Brown, Rosen Method Bodywork Senior Teacher
Thursday, April 3, 2025 at 3:30pm - Sunday, April 6, 2025 at 2:00pm
Tuition Cost
$640, or early bird price $560 if registered and paid before March 8th.
Food and Lodging:
$195 for lodging
$120 for lunches and dinners.
Full kitchen and you provide your own breakfast foods and snacks.
14 NCBTMB CEs offered. RMOC is an approved NCBTMB provider.
To Register
Click here for the returning student registration form, if you are a returning Open Center student.
Prospective new students, please contact Julia Wittich for further information: RosenbyJ@ptd.net, (570) 470-0748
Rosen Method Bodywork July Mini-Intensive in PA
Join us for a transformative three-day retreat that delves into the core of Rosen Method somatic bodywork. Whether you're an intern on the certification path or a newcomer moved by the Rosen Method, this retreat provides a special opportunity for personal reflection, growth, and deepening your connection to both your practice and your own self. It's a chance to refine your bodywork skills in an intimate, supportive environment while gaining new insights along the way.
More detailed description coming soon.
Julia Wittich, Rosen Method Bodywork Teacher
Ivy Green, Rosen Method Bodywork Senior Teacher
Thursday, July 3, 2025 - Sunday, July 6, 2025
Tuition Cost
$640, or early bird price $560.
Food and Lodging:
$195 for lodging
$120 for lunches and dinners.
Full kitchen and you provide your own breakfast foods and snacks.
14 NCBTMB CEs offered. RMOC is an approved NCBTMB provider.
To Register
Click here for the returning student registration form, if you are a returning Open Center student.
Prospective new students, please contact Julia Wittich for further information: RosenbyJ@ptd.net, (570) 470-0748
Rosen Method Movement Fall 2025 Intensive in CT
Rosen Movement is a unique form of movement developed by Marion Rosen, PT that invites the body to find ease and joy in your life. It is a direct way to practice connection to ourselves and others. Join us and find out for yourself! This will be a non-residential intensive with a few residential accommodations available.
Adrienne Stone and Marjorie Huebner, Rosen Method Movement Senior Teachers
Assisted by Betty Ross
Thursday, September 11 - Monday, September 15, 2025
Tuition Cost
Details coming soon.
Zelle: ivy.green@rosenmethodopencenter.com
To pay by check: Checks can be made out to the Rosen Method Open Center. Please email Adrienne Stone at arstonept@gmail.com to inquire about where to send your check.
Important: You must include the code MI 9/11/2025 when writing your check or paying by Zelle.
To Register
Registration details coming soon.
Adrienne Stone - arstonept@gmail.com
Meeting Ourselves, Meeting Each Other: A One-Day Introduction to Rosen Method
Meeting Ourselves and Meeting Each Other: Touching the Aliveness and Possibilities Held in Our Bodies
We extend a warm invitation to join us for a day centered around relaxation and listening carefully to what your body wants you to know.
This full day Introduction will allow you to sense how touch can connect you with your whole self - sensations you might not have noticed, emotions you had to put away, and possibilities you thought were out of reach.
You will witness a demonstration of the work. Exploring giving and receiving a session will offer you a glimpse of how being touched and listened to without judgement - or being asked to change - makes room for you to reclaim your authentic self as well as your connection to others.
In a Rosen Method Movement class experience the possibility of embodied joy and ease in community.
Rosen Method’s practice of listening to the body can benefit bodyworkers and therapists looking for a deeper understanding and appreciation of themselves and their clients and anyone coming for personal growth and refreshment.
Heather Brown, Senior Rosen Method Bodywork Teacher
Elizabeth Smith, Rosen Method Bodywork Workshop Teacher
Tuition Cost
$160 if paid by October 14. $175 thereafter.
Zelle: Elizabeth Smith (917) 544-5670
Venmo: @Elizabeth-Smith-253
Personal check: Payable and mailed to Elizabeth Smith, 355 8th Ave #20J, New York, NY 10001
Important: You must include the code W 10/26/24 in the memo when writing your check or paying by Venmo or Zelle.
7 NCBTMB CEs offered. RMOC is an approved NCBTMB provider.
To Register
Click here to complete our registration form. Registration is complete when payment and registration form are submitted.
Elizabeth Smith
(917) 544-5670
Living Anatomy Workshop in MN
4 Day In-Person Living Anatomy Workshop in MN: Understanding how muscular activity is integral to our emotional range and sense of aliveness.
When we look closely at the living anatomy of who we are, the aliveness in the shape that we adopt and how we move through life, we can gain insight into the habitual patterns that hold us back and can open into the fullness and mystery of life.
We will explore the way our bones, joints and muscles create posture and movement.
We will grow our confidence in understanding the connections within and between different areas of the body.
We will refine our touch skills that help us confidently identify the skeletal bones and the muscle groups of the body.
We will be working in pairs and as a group to find our own body map for our bones, joints and muscles, working experientially and with led movement classes.
The prerequisite for attending an intensive is to participate in an introductory workshop. Look on our website for upcoming introductory workshops. When participation in an introductory workshop is not feasible, please contact Kellie Cottrill (see contact information below).
Ivy Green - Senior Rosen Method Bodywork Teacher
Kellie Cottrill - Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Introductory Workshop Teacher
Kris Nourse - Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Introductory Workshop Teacher
Marjorie Huebner - Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner, Senior Rosen Method Movement Teacher, and Introductory Workshop Teacher
featuring a special Guest Teacher for Living Anatomy
Tuition Cost
$800. $750 If registered and paid by the early bird deadline of September 15, 2024.
Personal checks can be made out to Rosen Method Open Center, and mailed to:
Kellie Cottrill
817 7th Street
South Stillwater, MN 55082
Payment can be made via PayPal to rmocllc@gmail.com, or Zelle to ivy.green@rosenmethodopencenter.com
Important: You must include the code BI 10/27/24 in the memo when writing your check or paying by PayPal or Zelle.
28 NCBTMB CEs offered. RMOC is an approved NCBTMB provider.
To Register:
New students to the Open Center: click here to complete our new student registration form.
Returning Open Center students: click here to complete our returning student registration form.
Kellie Cottrill
(651) 491-5259
Rosen Method Bodywork Fall Intensive in PA
Rosen Method Bodywork facilitates a greater sense of well-being by connecting patterns of muscle tension and breath to suppressed emotions. Rosen Method Bodywork uses touch and words to track and respond to subtle shifts in muscles and breath, bringing what has been suppressed into conscious awareness.
You are invited to:
Experience muscle tension relaxing from the inside out as you master a “touch from the heart” that is gently receptive and responsive rather than manipulative.
Deepen your understanding of how emotions and beliefs are expressed physically through your anatomy.
Develop compassion for how your body has helped you cope with stressful situations in your life by bringing loving kindness to difficult sensations and emotional states.
Cultivate attunement and intuition by listening with your whole body, and learning to use words that bypass the thinking, analyzing mind.
Experience the joy and ease of a daily Rosen Method Movement class.
Expand your self-exploration through an evening creative project.
This learning supports all therapeutic modalities, and is appropriate for psychotherapists, bodyworkers, and anyone interested in somatic approaches to personal growth and healing.
The prerequisite for attending an intensive is to participate in an introductory workshop. Look on our website for upcoming introductory workshops. When participation in an introductory workshop is not feasible, please contact Julia Wittich (see contact information below).
Ivy Green, Senior Rosen Method Bodywork Teacher
Kate O’Shea, Rosen Method Movement and Bodywork Teacher
Julia Wittich, Rosen Method Bodywork Teacher in Training
Tuition Cost
$1,000, or $975 if registered and paid by the early bird deadline of August 15, 2024.
Personal checks can be made out to Rosen Method Open Center, and mailed to:
Ivy Green
48 Phillips Road
Saugerties, NY 12477
Payment can also be sent via PayPal to rmocllc@gmail.com, or Zelle to ivy.green@rosenmethodopencenter.com
Important: You must include the code BI 9/22/24 in the memo when writing your check or paying by PayPal or Zelle.
Room and Board
Contact the Himalayan Institute directly to arrange your accommodations: (570) 253-5551
28 NCBTMB CEs offered. RMOC is an approved NCBTMB provider.
To Register
Click here for the new student registration form if this is your first bodywork intensive with us. Or, click here for the returning student registration form.
Julia Wittich
(570) 470-0748
Rosen Method Movement Intensive in PA
Back to Basics with Rosen Method Movement
We have a body! We are meant to move! We can connect to joy!
Rosen Movement profoundly opens us to ourselves and each other.
Get curious. Experience and Explore your body in a new way, letting go of how you think it “should” be.
Senior Teachers
Adrienne Stone and Marjorie Huebner, Rosen Method Movement Senior Teachers
Assisted by Betty Ross, Rosen Method Movement Teacher
September 22-26, 2024
Tuition Cost
$750, or $850 after August 12
Reviewer fee: $400 (for Movement Teachers and Movement Interns)
PayPal: rmocllc@gmail.com
Zelle: ivy.green@rosenmethodopencenter.com
Important: You must include the code MI 9/22/24 when writing your check or paying by PayPal or Zelle.
Room and Board
Contact the Himalayan Institute directly to arrange your accommodations.
To Register
Click here for the new student registration form if this will be your first movement intensive with us. Or, click here for the returning student registration form.
Adrienne Stone
Connecting Through Touch: A One-Day Introduction to Rosen Method in PA
We extend a warm invitation to join us for a day of connecting through touch. Experience the profoundly simple resonance that is inspired by embodied curiosity and the interplay between muscle tension, breath, and suppressed emotions.
As you experiment with giving and receiving touch that is gently receptive and responsive, rather than manipulative, an increased awareness of subtle sensations, emotions, and possibilities can arise, awakening you from the inside out.
Witness a demonstration of the work and explore in sharing circles what has emerged for you. In a Rosen Method Movement class, play with the possibility of embodied joy and ease in community.
Discover how the Rosen process invites you to safely rediscover and reclaim yourself as well as your connection to others.
Ivy Green, Senior Rosen Method Bodywork Teacher
Julia Wittich, Rosen Method Bodywork Workshop Teacher
Tuition Cost
$145 - to be paid by August 6th. Space is limited so be sure to register early.
Personal checks can be made out to Rosen Method Open Center, and mailed to:
Ivy Green
48 Phillips Road
Saugerties, NY 12477
Payment can also be sent via PayPal to rmocllc@gmail.com, or Zelle to ivy.green@rosenmethodopencenter.com
Important: You must include the code W 8/20/24 in the memo when writing your check or paying by PayPal or Zelle.
7 NCBTMB CEs offered. RMOC is an approved NCBTMB provider.
To Register
Click here to complete our registration form.
Julia Wittich
(570) 470-0748
What Connects Us? Experiential Anatomy Online Course No. 3
Note: These courses are offered as part of a series, but can be taken separately. This is the 3rd of 3 courses.
Welcome to a way of knowing and feeling your anatomy, your self.
In these online workshops, we will explore - part 1: muscles, part 2: bones, and part 3: nerves, all of which swim in a sea of connection in our fascia. We will explore our anatomy with self-touch, audio visuals, movement, and sharing.
This course will inform your learning for personal growth and professional development. You may register for one, two, or all three weekend workshops.
Online workshops can be taken to partially fulfill the requirements toward professional bodywork certification. (25 hours of Experiential Anatomy)
This course is open to all students for personal growth. Be sure to check your school's requirements if you are interested in counting hours toward professional certification.
Taught by
Karen Peters
Theresa Garcia
Kate O’Shea
3rd weekend: July 20-21
from 12pm - 3pm EST (9am - 12pm PST) each day
$150 for each workshop.
Payments can be made through PayPal to katept@aol.com, or through Venmo to @Cathy-OShea.
To Register
New students to the Open Center: Click here to register using our new student registration form for one or more of these experiential anatomy online courses.
Returning Open Center students: Click here to register using our returning student registration form for one or more of these experiential anatomy online courses.
Kate O’Shea: kate.oshea.pt@gmail.com, or
Ivy Green: ivy.green@earthlink.net or (845) 750-1040
One-Day Introduction to Rosen Method Bodywork in NY
We extend a warm invitation to join us for a day of exploring the way our bodies put us in touch with our inner world.
You will get a sense of how being touched and listened to without judgement, or being asked to change, makes room for your authentic self to be seen, heard, and fully received.
“Where you hold there is always a possibility to let go, and when you let go, the image of you changes.
Because when something happens inside you, something also happens on the outside.”
~ Marion Rosen
Heather Brown, Rosen Method Bodywork Senior Teacher
Elizabeth Smith or Julia Wittich, Rosen Method Introductory Workshop Teachers
Saturday, July 20, 2024 from 10:00am - 5:00pm
Tuition Cost
$150, if paid by July 10th; $170 thereafter
Zelle: RosenbyJ@ptd.net (570) 470-0748
Venmo: @Julia-Wittich
For personal checks: Call for mailing address
Important: You must include the code W 7/20/24 in the memo when writing your check or paying by PayPal or Zelle.
Julia Wittich:
(570) 470-0748
To Register:
Click here to register using our registration form.
Introduction to Rosen Method Bodywork in MN
“In listening to the truth of the body, it is possible to discover what we can do, who we can be, what we can experience, how we can love.” Marion Rosen
Deepen your capacity for presence, experience listening touch, build awareness of muscle tension and relaxation, and sense into your own body. Join others to experience greater connection within community and meet yourself more fully.
Kellie Cottrill, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Introductory Workshop Teacher
Kris Nourse, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Introductory Workshop Teacher
Friday, July 12, 2024 from 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Saturday, July 13, 2024 from 9:30am - 5:00pm
Tuition Cost
To Register - and for more information:
Contact Kris Nourse:
What Connects Us? Experiential Anatomy Online Course No. 2
Note: These courses are offered as part of a series, but can be taken separately. This is the 2nd of 3 courses.
Welcome to a way of knowing and feeling your anatomy, your self.
In these online workshops, we will explore - part 1: muscles, part 2: bones, and part 3: nerves, all of which swim in a sea of connection in our fascia. We will explore our anatomy with self-touch, audio visuals, movement, and sharing.
This course will inform your learning for personal growth and professional development. You may register for one, two, or all three weekend workshops.
Online workshops can be taken to partially fulfill the requirements toward professional bodywork certification. (25 hours of Experiential Anatomy)
This course is open to all students for personal growth. Be sure to check your school's requirements if you are interested in counting hours toward professional certification.
Taught by
Karen Peters
Theresa Garcia
Kate O’Shea
2nd weekend: June 29-30
3rd weekend: July 20-21
from 12pm - 3pm EST (9am - 12pm PST) each day
$150 for each workshop.
Payments can be made through PayPal to katept@aol.com, or through Venmo to @Cathy-OShea.
To Register
New students to the Open Center: Click here to register using our new student registration form for one or more of these experiential anatomy online courses.
Returning Open Center students: Click here to register using our returning student registration form for one or more of these experiential anatomy online courses.
Kate O’Shea: kate.oshea.pt@gmail.com, or
Ivy Green: ivy.green@earthlink.net or (845) 750-1040
Special Offering: Rosen Method Movement Classes in MN: June Weekend
Rosen Method Movement for Personal and Professional Growth
About this course - written by Marjorie Huebner
We will move with consciousness to practice presence. We do not grow in isolation but in association with others. We need to be seen, heard and belong. Our bodies are a resource for processing what is challenging and for connecting with what is life giving. As a white woman, being embodied is crucial for my work on my privilege and internalized biases.
We will learn about Rosen Movement, our anatomy, practice teaching, and more!
This is an invitation to anyone who wants to: learn a new movement form, teach simple movements to friends, family or clients, practice self-care in your communities, and move more with ease and joy!
Rosen Movement was created by Marion Rosen, PT. She focused on mobilizing our joints and stretching our muscles and bringing body awareness to what is moving; we notice how it feels to move. As we learn to relax and soften areas of tension and stiffness, helping to prevent injuries, we bring pleasure, ease and enjoyment to moving. We move to a variety of music that motivates, energizes, and supports us. Treating ourselves with kindness helps us with everyday stress, and we know where we are in our bodies, our hearts, and our minds.
Taught by
Marjorie Huebner
Rosen Method Senior Movement Training Teacher
Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner
Rosen Method Bodywork Workshop Teacher
Movement Supervisor
Friday evening 6 - 9 pm
Saturday 9 am - 6 pm
Sunday 9 am - 1 pm
The Beautiful Studio, 2242 University Ave. W., St. Paul, Minnesota
Tuition Cost
$200 each weekend; $125 Saturday only. Scholarships available
To Register
Contact Marjorie Huebner:
What Connects Us? Experiential Anatomy Online Course No. 1
Please note that this weekend has been rescheduled from April 27th - 28th to June 1st - 2nd.
Note: These courses are offered as part of a series, but can be taken separately. This is the 1st of 3 courses.
Welcome to a way of knowing and feeling your anatomy, your self.
In these online workshops, we will explore - part 1: muscles, part 2: bones, and part 3: nerves, all of which swim in a sea of connection in our fascia. We will explore our anatomy with self-touch, audio visuals, movement, and sharing.
This course will inform your learning for personal growth and professional development. You may register for one, two, or all three weekend workshops.
Online workshops can be taken to partially fulfill the requirements toward professional bodywork certification. (25 hours of Experiential Anatomy)
This course is open to all students for personal growth. Be sure to check your school's requirements if you are interested in counting hours toward professional certification.
Taught by
Karen Peters
Theresa Garcia
Kate O’Shea
1st weekend: June 1-2
2nd weekend: June 29-30
3rd weekend: July 20-21
from 12pm - 3pm EST (9am - 12pm PST) each day
$150 for each workshop, or $400 for all three
Payments can be made through PayPal to katept@aol.com, or through Venmo to @Cathy-OShea.
To Register
New students to the Open Center: Click here to register using our new student registration form for one or more of these experiential anatomy online courses.
Returning Open Center students: Click here to register using our returning student registration form for one or more of these experiential anatomy online courses.
Kate O’Shea: kate.oshea.pt@gmail.com, or
Ivy Green: ivy.green@earthlink.net or (845) 750-1040
The Way Through Is Inside - Include Everything: Rosen Method Bodywork Spring Intensive in PA
To Register
Click here for the new student registration form if this is your first bodywork intensive with us. Or, click here for the returning student registration form.
About this intensive
“Rosen Method is taught experientially - and, for many people, becomes a way of living. It is a way of life rooted in compassion, respect, kind attuned touch, and empathic curiosity. Explore the way our bodies put us in touch with our inner world: the work of feeling and insight.”
- Annabelle Apsion
Co-Founder and Co-Director, Rosen Method UK School
During our days together we will practice with the elements of Rosen Method. You will feel how gentle and responsive touch can include the whole person, that you can listen to another with your whole body, and find from your own embodiment what words would deepen your connection with your partner on the table.
You will closely witness demonstrations of sessions, with plenty of time for questions and reflection. We will gather in sharing circles and pair up for dyads. In the afternoons we will guide your practice of giving and receiving sessions. Each day you will experience the joy and ease of a Rosen Method movement class. Some evenings you will explore your process working on a creative project.
Heather Brown, Senior Rosen Method Bodywork Teacher
Julia Wittich, Rosen Method Movement Teacher and Rosen Method Bodywork Teacher in Training
Elizabeth Smith, Assistant
Sunday, May 5, 2024 - Friday, May 10, 2024
The prerequisite for attending an intensive is to participate in an introductory workshop.
There is a workshop scheduled for Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at the Himalayan Institute. Contact Julia Wittich to register here.
Tuition Cost
$1,075, or $980 if registered and paid by the early bird deadline of March 22nd, 2024.
Personal checks can be made out to Rosen Method Open Center, and mailed to:
Elizabeth Smith
355 8th Ave. Apt. 20J
New York, NY 10001
Payment can also be sent via PayPal to rmocllc@gmail.com.
Room and Board
Contact the Himalayan Institute directly to arrange your accommodations: (570) 253-5551
37 NCBTMB CEs offered. RMOC is an approved NCBTMB provider.
Elizabeth Smith:
Special Offering: Rosen Method Movement Classes in MN: April Weekend
Rosen Method Movement for Personal and Professional Growth
About this course - written by Marjorie Huebner
We will move with consciousness to practice presence. We do not grow in isolation but in association with others. We need to be seen, heard and belong. Our bodies are a resource for processing what is challenging and for connecting with what is life giving. As a white woman, being embodied is crucial for my work on my privilege and internalized biases.
We will learn about Rosen Movement, our anatomy, practice teaching, and more!
This is an invitation to anyone who wants to: learn a new movement form, teach simple movements to friends, family or clients, practice self-care in your communities, and move more with ease and joy!
Rosen Movement was created by Marion Rosen, PT. She focused on mobilizing our joints and stretching our muscles and bringing body awareness to what is moving; we notice how it feels to move. As we learn to relax and soften areas of tension and stiffness, helping to prevent injuries, we bring pleasure, ease and enjoyment to moving. We move to a variety of music that motivates, energizes, and supports us. Treating ourselves with kindness helps us with everyday stress, and we know where we are in our bodies, our hearts, and our minds.
Taught by
Marjorie Huebner
Rosen Method Senior Movement Training Teacher
Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner
Rosen Method Bodywork Workshop Teacher
Movement Supervisor
Friday evening 6 - 9 pm
Saturday 9 am - 6 pm
Sunday 9 am - 1 pm
The Beautiful Studio, 2242 University Ave. W., St. Paul, Minnesota
Tuition Cost
$200 each weekend; $125 Saturday only. Scholarships available
To Register
Contact Marjorie Huebner:
Rosen Method Movement Retreat in Arkansas
There will be a solar eclipse happening at the same time as our Movement Intensive in Fayetteville, AR! It is an incredible natural event that we will be able to witness. Instead of rescheduling, we are excited that we will be in the right place at the right time for it.
What this also means is that many people will be flocking to Arkansas during that week we are having our intensive. If you are planning on traveling to Arkansas from out of state, please consider making a reservation for housing or transportation NOW.
For more details on the solar eclipse, click here or here.
Senior Teachers
Adrienne Stone, P.T., Senior Movement Training Teacher
Marjorie Huebner, Senior Movement Training Teacher
Sally Wimberly, Assisting Teacher
April 8-12, 2024
Tuition Cost
$750, or $700 if registered before 2/26/2024.
Reviews fee for Movement Teachers and Interns: $375.
Payment by personal check can be made out to Rosen Method Open Center and sent to Adrienne Stone, 15 Parkway, Katonah, NY 10536. Payments can be made via PayPal using the email address rmocllc@gmail.com. (After submitting payment please contact Adrienne to let her know which method of payment you are using.)
If you would like to request a partial scholarship or a payment plan, please contact Adrienne at arstonept@gmail.com.
To Register
Click here for the new student registration form if this is your first movement intensive with us. Or, click here for the returning student registration form.
Adrienne Stone, arstonept@gmail.com
Marjorie Huebner, marjorie@marjoriehuebner.com
Sally Wimberly, sallywimberly@gmail.com
One-Day Introduction to Rosen Method Bodywork Workshop in PA
Join us for a day centered around curiosity and listening to what your body wants you to know. This one-day introduction will allow you to sense how this gentle, listening touch can connect you with your whole self - the sensations you might not have noticed, emotions you had to put away, and new possibilities you thought were out of reach or had not even imagined.
You will witness a demonstration of the work, and with our guidance, experience both giving and receiving a session. You will get a glimpse of how being touched with kind attention and listened to without judgment makes room for your authentic self to be seen and fully received. We will gather in a sharing circle, with plenty of time for questions and reflection, and experience the joy and ease of a Rosen Method movement class.
Discover how Rosen Touch is different from most touch and how that creates the safe space for rediscovering and reclaiming ourselves.
This learning supports all therapeutic modalities, and is appropriate for psychotherapists, bodyworkers, and anyone interested in somatic approaches to personal growth and healing.
Julia Wittich, Rosen Method Introductory Workshop and Movement Teacher
Heather Brown, Senior Rosen Method Bodywork and Movement Teacher
7 NCBTMB approved CEs available for massage therapists and bodyworkers.
To Register
Go to https://www.rosenbyjulia.com/listening-touch.
Julia Wittich:
Rosen Method Bodywork and Movement 4-Day Intensive in MN
“This work is about transformation from the person we think we are to the person we really are.”
~ Marion Rosen
Deepen Your Experience of…
Our body’s innate protective and healing response
Embodied self-awareness & well-being
The breath and the unconscious
Rosen touch
Rosen movement
Our bodies are shaped by our experience. Muscle tension reveals how we have adapted around old painful memories, emotions and beliefs. Tension in the body limits our breath and our full sense of aliveness. In this workshop we will gain greater insight into the workings of the body, our emotions and how we can empower our own healing.
Ivy Green
Kellie Cottrill
Kris Nourse
Thursday - Saturday (March 14-16): 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday (March 17): 9:00am - 4:00pm
To Register
Click here for the new student bodywork registration form if this is your first intensive with us. Or, click here for the returning student bodywork registration form if you are a returning student.
Kellie Cottrill
Special Offering: Rosen Method Movement Classes in MN: February Weekend
Rosen Method Movement for Personal and Professional Growth
Here are some words that the teacher for this course, Marjorie Huebner, would like to offer:
We will move with consciousness to practice presence. We do not grow in isolation but in association with others. We need to be seen, heard and belong. Our bodies are a resource for processing what is challenging and for connecting with what is life giving. As a white woman, being embodied is crucial for my work on my privilege and internalized biases.
We will learn about Rosen Movement, our anatomy, practice teaching, and more!
This is an invitation to anyone who wants to: learn a new movement form, teach simple movements to friends, family or clients, practice self-care in your communities, and move more with ease and joy!
Rosen Movement was created by Marion Rosen, PT. She focused on mobilizing our joints and stretching our muscles and bringing body awareness to what is moving; we notice how it feels to move. As we learn to relax and soften areas of tension and stiffness, helping to prevent injuries, we bring pleasure, ease and enjoyment to moving. We move to a variety of music that motivates, energizes, and supports us. Treating ourselves with kindness helps us with everyday stress, and we know where we are in our bodies, our hearts, and our minds.
Taught by
Marjorie Huebner
Rosen Method Senior Movement Teacher
Rosen Method Bodywork practitioner
Friday evening 6 - 9 pm
Saturday 9 am - 6 pm
Sunday 9 am - 1 pm
The Beautiful Studio, 2242 University Ave. W., St. Paul, Minnesota
Tuition Cost
$200 each weekend; $125 Saturday only. Scholarships available
One-Day Introduction to Rosen Method Bodywork
We extend a warm invitation to join us for a day of relaxation and listening to what your body wants you to know. This one-day introduction will allow you to sense how touch can connect you with your whole self - the sensations you might not have noticed, emotions you had to put away, and new possibilities you hadn’t imagined or thought were out of reach.
You will witness a demonstration of the work and see what it’s like to both give and receive a session with our guidance. You will get a glimpse of how being touched and listened to without judgment or being asked to change makes room for your authentic self to be seen, heard, and fully welcomed.
Heather Brown, Senior Rosen Bodywork Teacher
Elizabeth Smith, Rosen Bodywork Workshop Teacher
Tuition Cost
$150 to be paid to Elizabeth Smith by February 9, 2024.
Venmo: Elizabeth-Smith-253
PayPal: @rosenmethod
Zelle: 917-544-5670
Or mail a check to:
Elizabeth Smith
355 8th Ave. Apt. 20J
New York, NY 10001
Click here for the new student registration form if this is your first bodywork intensive with us. Or, click here for the returning student registration form.
Elizabeth Smith, esmithforrosen@gmail.com, 917-544-5670
Special Offering: Rosen Method Movement Classes in MN: January Weekend
Rosen Method Movement for Personal and Professional Growth
Here are some words that the teacher for this course, Marjorie Huebner, would like to offer:
We will move with consciousness to practice presence. We do not grow in isolation but in association with others. We need to be seen, heard and belong. Our bodies are a resource for processing what is challenging and for connecting with what is life giving. As a white woman, being embodied is crucial for my work on my privilege and internalized biases.
We will learn about Rosen Movement, our anatomy, practice teaching, and more!
This is an invitation to anyone who wants to: learn a new movement form, teach simple movements to friends, family or clients, practice self-care in your communities, and move more with ease and joy!
Rosen Movement was created by Marion Rosen, PT. She focused on mobilizing our joints and stretching our muscles and bringing body awareness to what is moving; we notice how it feels to move. As we learn to relax and soften areas of tension and stiffness, helping to prevent injuries, we bring pleasure, ease and enjoyment to moving. We move to a variety of music that motivates, energizes, and supports us. Treating ourselves with kindness helps us with everyday stress, and we know where we are in our bodies, our hearts, and our minds.
Taught by
Marjorie Huebner
Rosen Method Senior Movement Teacher
Rosen Method Bodywork practitioner
Friday evening 6 - 9 pm
Saturday 9 am - 6 pm
Sunday 9 am - 1 pm
The Beautiful Studio, 2242 University Ave. W., St. Paul, Minnesota
Tuition Cost
$200 each weekend; $125 Saturday only. Scholarships available
Rosen Method Bodywork Intensive Retreat
Rosen Method Bodywork facilitates a greater sense of wellbeing by addressing the connections between muscle tension, breath, and suppressed emotions. The practitioner's touch is gently receptive and responsive, rather than manipulative, bringing awareness to sensations and emotions. Simple words are used as a "third hand" to facilitate this embodied self-awareness process.
People describe experiencing Rosen touch as an "internal massage" in which they are able to relax involuntary habits of constriction and limitation, many of which were developed in times of emotional and physical stress/trauma. As muscles as breath release into practitioners' safe support, these emotions become consciously experienced as they move naturally through the body, bringing physical ease, self-acceptance, and the freedom to make choices that support wellbeing.
Deepen your embodied self awareness with a supportive group setting through:
Practicing giving and receiving Rosen listening touch
Learning how to communicate with the body by tracking and responding to subtle shifts in muscles and breath
Experiencing how tension can soften from the inside out
Developing compassion as you discover how muscular tension has helped you cope with difficult situations in your life
This intensive will inform your learning for personal growth and professional development. Experiencing giving and receiving Rosen Method Bodywork is valuable for all bodyworkers, therapists, and other helping professionals, and those who are seekers looking for an expanded understanding and appreciation of themselves and their clients. Click here for more information about Rosen Method Bodywork and the Open Center.
Ivy Green, Senior Rosen Bodywork Teacher
Elizabeth Smith, Senior Rosen Bodywork Teacher
Tuition Cost
$1036. Registrations must be completed by November 5th, a month before the intensive.
Payment by personal check can be made out to Rosen Method Open Center and sent to Ivy Green at 48 Phillips Rd, Saugerties, NY 12477. To pay by credit card, call Ivy at (845) 750-1040. Payments can be made via PayPal: rmocllc@gmail.com. If you would like to request a partial scolarship or a payment plan, please contact Ivy Green.
Housing and Meals
$690 payable to Linwood Spiritual Center; they will contact you for payment after you register for the intensive.
37.5 NCBTMB CE credits; RMOC is an approved NCBTMB provider.
Click here for the new student registration form if this is your first bodywork intensive with us. Or, click here for the returning student registration form. Deadline to register is November 5, 2023.
For more information, email or call Ivy Green, ivy.green@earthlink.net or (845) 750-1040
Rosen Method Movement Intensive/Retreat
Senior Teachers
Adrienne Stone and Marjorie Huebner
Tuition Cost
$750, or $700 if registered before 10/31/23.
Reviews fee for Movement Teachers and Interns: $375.
Payment by personal check can be made out to Rosen Method Open Center and sent to Adrienne Stone, 15 Parkway, Katonah, NY 10536. To pay by credit card, call Ivy Green at (845) 750-1040. Payments can be made via PayPal: rmocllc@gmail.com. (After submitting payment please contact Adrienne to let her know which method of payment you are using.)
If you would like to request a partial scholarship or a payment plan, please contact Adrienne at arstonept@gmail.com.
Room and Board
$540, paid directly to Linwood Spiritual Center. They will contact you.
Click here for the new student registration form if this is your first movement intensive with us. Or, click here for the returning student registration form.
Adrienne Stone, arstonept@gmail.com
Becoming Visible: A One-Day Introduction to Rosen Method Bodywork
We invite you to join us for a day of relaxation and listening to what your body wants you to know. Our muscle tension reveals how we have adapted around painful memories, emotions and beliefs. This one-day introduction will allow you to sense how touch can connect with your whole self - the sensations you might not have noticed, and emotions that have felt out of reach.
You will witness a demonstration of the work and see what it’s like to both give and receive a session with our guidance. When each of us is touched and listened to without judgment or being asked to change, there is room for our authentic for self to be seen, heard and fully welcomed.
Heather Brown, Rosen Method Senior Bodywork Teacher
Elizabeth Smith, Rosen Method Bodywork Workshop Teacher
Balance Arts Center 151 W. 30th St, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10001
Tuition Cost
$150 (by PayPal). Preregistration and payment required by November 13.
NCBTMB CE credits available for massage therapists and bodyworkers
To register or for additional questions
Contact Heather Brown: 646-812-7157, heatherbrown.rosen@gmail.com
Rosen Method Intensive in Minnesota
Our bodies are shaped by our experience. Muscle tension reveals how we have adapted around painful memories, emotions and beliefs. Tension in the body limits our breath and our full sense of aliveness. When we meet ourselves as we are with listening presence, our bodies can shift toward new possibilities of aliveness and flow. In these workshops, you’ll be guided to explore listening touch and specific movements, demonstrations and discussions that are designed to deepen embodied awareness. We will explore how the body both suppresses and allows our emotions, and how we can empower healing through awareness and attuned support.
This intensive is appropriate for bodyworkers, psychotherapists, and those interested in somatic approaches to well-being that address body-mind-emotion-spirit connections. Rosen Method Intensive's offer a path for personal development and a unique community experience.
Bodywork Teachers
Ivy Green, Senior Teacher
Kellie Cottrill and Kris Nourse, Teachers in Training
Movement Teacher
Marjorie Huebner, Senior Teacher
November 2-5, 2023
Tuition Cost
$760.00. Payment by personal check can be made out to Rosen Method Open Center and sent to Ivy Green at 48 Phillips Rd, Saugerties, NY 12477. To pay by credit card, call Ivy at (845) 750-1040. Payments can be made via PayPal: rmocllc@gmail.com. If you would like to request a partial scholarship or a payment plan, please contact Ivy Green.
28 NCBTMB approved CEUs available for bodyworkers.
Registration is now closed for this event.
For more information, email or call Kris Nourse: (651) 659-0452, ksnourse@comcast.net
Ongoing Weekly Events
Rosen Method Movement Class: Weekly Movement Class in Minneapolis
Teacher: Marjorie Huebner
When: Thursdays from 9-10:15 AM CT
Where: Center for Performing Arts, 3754 Pleasant Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55409
To Register: Contact the teacher below.
Contact: Marjorie Huebner, marjorie@marjoriehuebner.com.
Remote Class, Ongoing, 2022: Rosen Method Movement Classes Via Zoom
Teacher: Adrienne Stone
When: Tuesdays from 9-10 AM EST and Fridays from 3-4 PM EST
To Register: Contact the teacher below.
Contact: Adrienne Stone, (914) 232-5955 or arstonept@gmail.com.
Remote Class, Ongoing, 2022: Rosen Method Movement Classes Via Zoom
Teacher: Betty Ross
When: Mondays from 11 AM-12 PM EST and Thursdays from 9:30-10:30 AM EST
To Register: Contact the teacher below.
Contact: Betty Ross, bjr1109@gmail.com.
Refund Policy:
We hope that you will be able to attend the event you register for, but if something interferes, please understand that our cancellation policy is necessary to cover some of the cost of organizing and running the event. All cancellation requests must be received by the time frame indicated below:
If RMOC has to cancel an event, you will receive a full refund, or you may transfer the full amount to another event.
If you have to cancel, an administrative fee of $50 will be withheld from refunds.
Full refund (minus $50), if cancellation is a minimum of thirty days prior to the event.
50% of the tuition (minus $50) if cancellation is a minimum of 15 days prior to the event. Option: apply the full tuition to the next training (minus $50).
If cancellation takes place one week before the training, there will be no refund. (If cancellation is due to a family health emergency, tuition can be applied to next training.