Expenses for Rosen Method Bodywork and Rosen Method Movement Programs:
Updated 2024
Bodywork Certification Training
Overview —
Certification training is structured across a program that takes several years. This allows students to fully integrate the insights and changes that they are experiencing through the work. The flexible structure is based around a linked series of experiential instruction. Students can choose whether or not they wish to continue at any stage, allowing the freedom for individuals to attend events for personal and/or professional growth.
Please also see: the Rosen Method Open Center Minimum Requirements for Certification as a Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and/or Movement Teacher.
Any costs in addition to tuition for a Rosen intensive other than tuition are the responsibility of the student.
Prerequisites to Attend your First Bodywork Intensive*:
a minimum of two (2) Rosen Method Bodywork sessions with a certified practitioner — average $100 per session
a lecture-demonstration, Introductory Workshop, or Open House, if possible
2-day Introductory Workshop — $295 for 12 hours
1-day Introductory Workshop — $150 for 6-7 hours (can be attended at another Rosen Method Center)
Lecture Demonstrations/Open House — $0-30 for 2-3 hours
a Zoom/phone interview with a certified intensive teacher — no cost to student**
*If it is not possible to either have an individual or group experience of Rosen Method Bodywork before an Intensive, contact the person coordinating the Intensive for a discussion of options.
**When you have registered for an Intensive, a teacher will organize a Zoom or phone interview with you.
Personal and Professional Development Track
Participants may attend Intensives for personal and professional development.
Professional Certification Track
Participants who want to pursue certification as a Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner may apply for Level Two status after completing 105 hours of in-person and online classes, 70 hours of which must be with the Open Center.
Prerequisites for Applying for Level Two Status
A minimum of 105 hours of classes, including online classes
Complete application for Level Two
Requirements to Progress through Level Two
At the end of the 4th intensive or a minimum of 125 hours, have an interview with a certified teacher who has observed your progress to discuss the skills and abilities required before taking on a practice client under supervision.
Attend an additional 125 classroom hours, some of which may be online.
25 hours of basic Anatomy is required for those who do not have basic anatomy skills. Fulfilling the basic anatomy requirement is the responsibility of the individual; it is not offered as part of the RMOC curriculum.
25 hours of Rosen Experiential Anatomy may be taken online and/or in-person. When this is not possible, it can be completed during Internship.
8 private sessions
25 practice client sessions; keep progress notes.
8 supervisions
Student costs:
Initial 250 classroom hours at $28 per hour — $7,000 (Waived by RMOC IE Scholarship)
The following costs are paid by the student:
8 private Rosen bodywork sessions — $800 ($100 average cost per session)
8 supervisions at $150 per session — $1200 (Client pays $50 and student pays $100 or student pays full fee)
Rosen Experiential Anatomy 25 hours. When this class is offered online and outside an intensive, the cost is $28 per hour — $700
TOTAL: $2,700
Prerequisites for Applying for Internship
Complete Level Two requirements
Apply to the Director of Teaching to be a Bodywork Intern
Schedule an interview with your supervisor or other teacher who has knowledge of your progress.
Requirements to Progress through Internship
Internship is the professional training toward Certification as a Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner
Complete 25 supervisions — $150
Attending a minimum of three Intensives, the final one being just before graduation.
Attend a minimum of one Intensive a year as a practicum assistant, at 50% off tuition.
Give 350 bodywork sessions and keep progress notes to be reviewed by your supervisor.
Schedule 5 client review sessions; these may be individual, or part of an Intern Group in-person or online — $100 one-on-one or $100 divided by the group.
Apply to the Director of Teaching to be recommended to the Rosen Institute for Certification as a Certified Bodywork Practitioner with privileges to establish a private practice, and to conduct lecture-demonstrations in RMB.
Application for Certification — $100 Euros
These are general guidelines that each individual student will develop and learn at their own pace. Each step of the certification training will involve evaluation by the Director of Teaching and modifications may be made along the way to help support the student’s mastery of the work.
Costs for Internship:
3 Intensives: 105 hours at $28 per hour — $2,940 (Waived by RMOC IE Scholarship)
The following costs are paid by the student:
25 Supervisions - $150 x 25 — $3,750
5 Client Reviews - $100 x 5 — $500
Application for Certification — $100 Euros
Total: $4,350
Total Waived by RMOC IE Scholarship: $9,940
Total Additional Costs: $7,050. Paid by student.
Travel and Lodging Costs: Paid by student.
Room and board for residential intensives is approximately $140 per day at our current facility. The number of days of each intensive may vary (1/2 intensives are 3 days and a full intensive is 5-7 days). Some residential training courses provide housing only, meals are not included. Students can find alternative housing and meal options. If you reside near the residential training - commuting is an option and depending on the facility, there may be a commuter charge and a midday meal charge. ($420 - $980.) Travel expenses are dependent on location and type of transportation available.
Movement Teacher Training
Overview —
The Rosen Method Movement training can be taken on its own, concurrently with the Rosen Method Bodywork training or at any other time after you are a Rosen Method bodywork practitioner. The training is structured across a program that takes several years. This allows students to fully integrate the insights and changes that they are experiencing through the work. The flexible structure is based around a linked series of training experiences. Students can choose whether or not they wish to continue at any stage, allowing the freedom for individuals to experience part of the training for interest or personal growth.
Please also see: the Rosen Method Open Center Minimum Requirements for Trainings toward Certification as a Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Movement Teacher.
Attend a minimum of ten (10) Rosen Method Movement classes taught by a Rosen Method Movement Teacher (on-line or preferably in-person, or a combination of on-line or in-person) — Cost to student: $100 - $150
Classroom hours:
The minimum number of classroom hours for Movement Teacher training are:
125 hours of classroom training with Certified Training Teachers or Senior Rosen Method Movement Teachers with the Rosen Method Open Center. (Usually 5 intensives @ 25 hours each)
The internship is approximately one year in length, after the successful completion of classroom training and approval by the training teacher(s).
The internship minimum requirements include:
Teach 25 hours Rosen Method Movement classes within one year
Attend 6 Rosen movement classes taught by a Rosen Movement Teacher
Observe 6 Rosen movement classes taught by a Rosen Method Movement Teacher
Receive 3 supervisions with a Rosen Method Movement Training Teacher
Upon successful completion of above requirements, be evaluated and recommended for certification by a Certified or Senior Rosen Movement or Movement Training Teacher
Purchase Liability Insurance
Interns can charge for their classes as a student teacher.
Attend 1 Rosen Method Bodywork Workshop or Intensive (Fee for intensive waived)
Attend Anatomy class (optional and recommended)
Apply for Certification with Rosen Institute
Student costs:
Intensive Tuition — waived $3,750. ($750 per intensive X 5)
3 Supervisions $85 each — $255 (There may be extra costs to pay for travel expenses for supervisors going to the student class or for the student to travel to the supervisor).
6 Rosen Movement classes — $60 - $90
6 Observations - paid to teacher directly (can be with any Rosen Movement Teacher) – costs vary: $60 - $90
Room and Board for residential expenses: Approximately $140 per day at our current facility. The number of days of each intensive may vary (1/2 intensive is 3 days – A full intensive 5-7 days). Some residential trainings provide housing only, meals are not included. Students can find alternative housing and meal options. If you reside near the residential training – commuting is an option and depending on the facility, there may be a commuter charge and a mid-day meal charge. — $420 - $980.
Travel Expenses: Dependent on location and type of transportation
Purchase Liability Insurance — $205/year (ABMP)
Certification costs: Rosen Institute — 110 Euros
These are general guidelines that each individual student will develop and learn at their own pace. Each step of the training will involve evaluation by the Director of Teaching and modifications may be made along the way to help support the student’s mastery of the work.