Anonymous Workshop/Intensive EvaluationPlease provide your honest feedback regarding this workshop/intensive. We appreciate your thoughts! Please list the date(s) of the workshop/intensive you attended. * Please list the names of the instructors teaching the workshop/intensive. * What did you like the most about this workshop/intensive? What did you like the least about this workshop/intensive? What would you want MORE OF in future workshops/intensives? What would you want LESS OF in future workshops/intensives? What questions are you left with? What happened for you, and what are you taking with you? What general feedback of any kind would you like to share? Please add any thoughts you have about the accommodations. What worked for you and what did not work for you? Were your needs met? Please mark how much you agree with the following statement: This workshop/intensive met my needs and expectations. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree What topics or aspects of the workshop/intensive did you find most interesting or useful? Did the workshop achieve the stated objectives? Yes No The knowledge and information gained from participation at this workshop/intensive met my expectations. Yes No Somewhat The knowledge and information gained from participation at this workshop/intensive will be useful in my work. Definitely Mostly Somewhat Not at all How do you think the workshop/intensive could have been made more effective? The teacher(s) was/were knowledgeable in the subject area. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The teacher(s) was/were engaging. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The teachers created a safe container to explore my process. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The number of participants was: Too many Just the right amount Too few Undecided How would you rate the presentation skills of the teachers? Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory How would you rate the quality of the information presented? Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Were your questions answered to your satisfaction? Yes No Any additional comments or suggestions? Thank you!